Thursday, December 28, 2006

All the Hipe is over!

Funny, most of the people I work with have said that it was like Christmas was not even here. It really did not feel like the holiday season this year. When I talk to friends, they say the same thing. I don't want to say money is the reason for NOT feeling the season, but I think it is.

For me, not being able to give gifts this year really was hard for me. I love giving Christmas presents to my family and friends. It is the one time a year you can go crazy and have fun. What fun is the holidays when you cannot put a smile on someones face, or see them so happy because you gave them something they REALLY wanted. I missed that this year and think that is part of the slump I feel like I am in. What fun is Christmas when you cannot give. I have been looking forward to my Dad's retirement party/new years party more than I was Christmas. I keep telling myself that next year will be better, but with the cost of everything going up and we were just told at work no raises......I'm not sure things will be better next year.

Thanks for reading...Sorry so poopy today!


Anonymous said...

Next year WILL be better! It has to be. 2007 will be a year for the better, you'll see. You deserve a great year! Chin up sister . . . just spending time with you on Christmas was the best gift ever. Hugs to you!

Martie said...

It is wonderful to be able to find the one perfect gift to give someone we love and make them feel special.....but sometimes it isn't a can be due to unavailability of the item or lack of funds to purchase it. But remember the best gift of all doesn't cost a thing and that's LOVE! Just the fact that loved ones are able to gather together and share food and love is so much more important than giving the perfect gift. But I do understand how you feel and your thinking on this.

I know in my heart that your entire family was just glad to be able to spend time with you. Try to cheer up, Tracy. I can't promise that 2007 will be better, but I'm keeping my hopes up too!

Hugs from this side of the state!

Tracy said...

You guys are so awsome! Thanks for the encouraging words! I love ya both! Thanks for being you! I am praying that this next year will be the year for me (I better play the lotto more...haha).

Thanks so much for making me smile!

Anonymous said...

As long as we have each other we'll be fine. Thanks Martie too for all your words of encouragement to her. Love will keep us alive!!!!!! I won't say money does give us lots of satisfaction but after the hype is gone so is the dazzle. When we truly need something like company, friendship, togetherness, visits when were sick none of these involve money only our time and love. lIFE IS TOO SHORT SO LIVE LOVE AND LAUGH ALWAYS. lOVE YOU HONEY

Martie said...

Tracy, just dropping in to wish you a Happy, Healthy, Hopeful,Properous and Love filled 2007!!


Nelly said...

Happy New Year!