Friday, December 22, 2006

Last Post Till After Christmas..............................


I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe holiday season. Remember that reason for the season...Jesus! Keep your family close and love them always. Make amends to those you have hurt, or even to those that have hurt you. We are here for only a short time, why waste a moment on hatred or cruelty.

Please don't drink and drive. Keep yourself, your family, and those you have yet to meet safe. Have fun and pray for a rich new year (rich in love, and if we are lucky rich financially too)!

God Bless all of you! I wish all the love and happiness to everyone. Once again.... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Love Tracy


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you too sister! I wish things were different this year (you know what I'm talking about), but things are the way they are and we can't change them. I hope you will be able to enjoy the holiday even with the situation. Love you TONS and I'm glad we'll be seeing you!

Martie said...

A very Merry Christmas to you Tracy and whatever nelly is referring to I hope you find peace, comfort and closure

Anonymous said...

love you lots but we will make the best of what we have. God doesn't give us any more then we can handle. He really is seeing if you have what it takes to be on HIS top list. And I know you are on the top, at least in my book. Hang in there kiddo it will get better I promise. Trust in your own strength and words you got it girl!!!!!!!