Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday, Friday

I used to look forward to Friday's. It was my last day of a work week and then I have two days off! Well, not anymore. Now that I am working weekends, Fridays just are not the same. It really SUCKS working 7 days a week, especially when you are sick. I just cannot seem to shake this cold. It is resting in my chest. I try not to take over the counter meds, but sometimes you just have too! Nothing over the counter really works anyway, but it can make me feel better. Actually the sleeping aid stuff works great! I like to sleep a lot when I am sick, sometimes I need some help falling asleep.

I don't know if anyone else out there is having money troubles, but boy when you start to get behind, it costs an arm and a leg to catch up. I have finally got my gas and electric bill paid up to date (unfortunately, those are the last to get, car, and insurance, etc.. is more important). My mom told me what her gas bill was and what my sister's gas bill was, and I am so thankful I have a small house. My bill (3 months behind) was the same as theirs for 1 month!!! There is no way I could survive if I had to pay that. My electric bill is a little on the high side because of my fish tanks (one 75 gallon and one 60 gallon tank), they run 24/7. The price of everything is just ridiculous! I cannot even afford healthy foods (have you priced vegetables and fruits lately). It is just terrible how much things cost. I hope that everyone is staying afloat and can keep their heads above water. The top of my head is out of the water, I am still drowning, but I can manage where I am at now. Getting out of the hole is so hard and it is a struggle to stay out. I hope that 2007 leads to good things. I think I deserve to have a good year!!!!

Thanks for checking in!


Nelly said...

You ain't the only one girl so don't feel bad. Yeah, so mom told you that my bill was $218.00? SUCKS!!!!!!!! Try to have a nice weekend sista and I hope you start to feel better. Go to bed early tonight!

Anonymous said...

Wish we could really do something about our bills. There is no end to what these companies can charge. Bush is going to Veto a bill to make the drug companies lower their charges. Boy I wish he was out of office he is really for BIG BUSINESS what about all us little guys who pay his damn salary##@@@@##@@!! Now that I'm that I'm really depressed after reading your blog and my comment I better go and exercise my frustrations out!!!!!!!
Love mom

Anonymous said...

oops!!!better edit my spelling first.

Martie said...

YES!!! I can not believe how much healthy food cost. Do you read labels? Doesn't it seem to you that if they are removing some things from food it should cost less because ingredients are missing? Me too, but it cost MORE. Doens't make any sense to me. And hubby's health insurance policy at work has changed (the RX part) and if the drug isn't available in generic form we now must pay $50.00 for a 30 day supply instead of the $20.00 we were paying. Hubby and I are both on meds due to heart attacks and stents and high blood pressure. Hubby has 3 RX's that are not available in generic and I have 3 also. Plus the other ones that we take. We spend about $350. just on medication alone every month....pretty soon we won't be able to buy our meds, pay our bills and eat. Looks like eating will have to be the first to go!

Man, I need to find a job!!!!

Tracy said...

I am so glad I am not swimming in this ocean alone! It is unbelieveable how expensive it is to diet and be healthy. So not only do we struggle with our bills (get depressed, so we eat), and then we cannot diet cause we can't afford it (get more depressed, so we eat even more). Being over weight drives up health costs, so now more out of our paychecks for healthcare (opps, overly depressed and eating everything in sight)! AhHHHHHHHH when does it stop??????

Anonymous said...

Ok enough with the depression already. Happy thoughts, lets get together for dinner, were seeing gramma this afternoon. call me
Love mom

your comment tracy made me laugh really got a point there.

Kat said...

Well, you should feel proud of yourself for getting your head above water. Things will look up, things always work out. Everyone has been there at one time or another. I hate to be too optimistic but at least we have homes to heat, some people aren't so lucky.