Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Hey Dad, happy birthday! Sorry I cannot join you for dinner tonight :(
Hope you are having a wonderful day!

I recieved this email today from Jack's dad (Jack is in Iraq, I mentioned him in earlier posts):

Hello all!

Just wanted to drop a line to thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Jack. Looks like it's working! He called me this afternoon to tell me he is back on base because he got a stomach flu. He wasn't sure if it was something he ate or not, because another soldier in his group got sick too. They didn't find anything wrong, but they gave him a 48 hour break and he is feeling fine now.

He said the first days at the outpost were kind of crazy. They waited until they were in the post to secure the area and put up baracades, so kids and others kept trying to get in to see the soldiers. He was kind of anxious the first couple of days. But then he got used to it and it almost feels like being back at the base, except here he is in a barracks, and at the base he had just got his own room. At the outpost he has been monitoring the radio from midnight to 4 am. There was a fire fight one day that was a little too close. They had to gear up and grab their weapons but it stopped before they got out the door. He and the captain kind of act like the police. He told me of a complaint they received from a resident Shiite that a guy with a propane station would only sell the propane to Sunni's. So they had to go there and straighten the situation out. He said he was kind of nervous standing around a bunch of propane tanks in a war zone!!!

He may be coming home on leave in July for 2 weeks. He is really looking forward to that! It has been raining a lot there and everything is muddy. He was happy that it had stopped raining for a while so things could have a chance to dry up (especially his boots that he kept getting yelled at for because they were always muddy).

That's about it for now. I will keep you updated when I hear from him again.



Nelly said...

I e-mailed Greg back this comment...

"I was just talking about this with my coworker and how Jack is the first person I personally know that is over in Iraq. Normal everyday lives are just not affected by the war and we go on with our daily routines and complain about the most meaningless stuff. Then we get an e-mail like this and it makes us realize what is really important. You must be so proud of him Greg! I am and I don't even know him that well. Please continue to send updates anytime you talk to him."

Tracy said...

Thanks for sharing that Nelly!