Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It is only Tuesday! It really feels like it should be Thursday already. Not much to post about today. I'm feeling a little under the weather. I do have a lot of congestion and a slight sore throat. I HATE being sick. That congestion is causing me to cough and just makes me feel like crap! On the brighter side of this.....at least it is not the flu (I don't think it is). I am not throwing up or anything, and I'm eating lots of clementine oranges, so hopefully I can keep the worst things away!

Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous said...

hang in there chick. We've all been there over the holiday, sore throat, runny nose hacking. I'm just finally getting better, I think!!! Have a great day one day at a time and each day is precious.

Love mom

Martie said...

You too? I woke up with a terrible sore throat yesterday! Some nasty germs floating around, huh? Hope you feel better soon.