Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I've Been Tagged By Martie!

I've been tagged by Martie, thanks Martie this is my first tag!
I'm a tag virgin!!!
The 25 Question Meme

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? On a Lake in a warm state.
2.What's your favorite article of clothing? I love jeans and a tee-shirt/sweats and a tee-shirt
3.Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? I love the way men smile (laugh)
4.What's the last CD that you bought? Celtic Woman (excellent music to relax too)
5.Where's your favorite place to be? On vacation being catered too.
6.Where is your least favorite place to be? In line anywhere
7.What's your favorite place to be massaged? My back
8.Strong in mind or strong in body? Definately in the mind, I am very strong willed.
9.What time do you wake up in the morning? Depends, I like to get up around 10:00/11:00 am, but when I work (which is all the time) I am up by 5:50 am.

10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Fridge
11.What makes you really angry?
12.If you could play any instrument, what would it be? I love the drums, so that is what I would play.

13. Favorite color? Green
14.Which do you prefer...sports car or SUV? Sports car (new camaro)
15. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes
16.Favorite children's book? Very Humgry Caterpillar

17. What is your favorite season? Fall (I love the leaf colors)
18. Your least favorite household chore? Everything, I hate cleaning
19.If you could have one super power, what would it be? I would like to be invisible
20.If you have a tattoo, what is it? I refuse to tarnish my body with such things
21.Can you juggle? Nope
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? I would have loved to talk to my mom's mom and my dad's dad. I was two when my grandma died and I never met my grandpa.
23. What's your favorite day? Friday, I don't know why but I love Friday's. I also love days alone with my husband.

24. What's in the trunk of your car? A bunch of crap!
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? I love burgers (bar burgers are the best)!

I tag:



Martie said...

Hey Tracy, thanks for playing.....great answers and now I know you a little better. Hugs

Smalltown RN said...

Hey I like your answers...fun meme isn't it? I am dropping over from Grandmocha's place and I am glad I did....nice blog!

Have a great day!

Nelly said...

I would gladly do this tag but I can't get on my freakin blog today! WTF!

Tracy said...

Thanks smalltown rn for checking in! Yeah it was fun answering questions. People do get to know you a little better!
Nelly, I just got on your blog! Sorry you lost you info though!