Sunday, January 28, 2007

Michigan Weather Sucks

Another Sunday that maybe ruined by snow! After work today I was planning on visiting my parents and it looks like it may snow again! I didn't go over there last Sunday because it snowed. In case you didn't know, I hate driving in the snow. My front tires are almost bald and when I go to stop, I can't. My brakes pulsate and I keep sliding. It is very scary. They are saying we may get 1 to 3 inches of snow this afternoon. If that is the case, I probably will not go to their house again! I hate that the weather determines if we can or cannot do something! It is ridiculous that we sucumb to this. Why do we live here again??????


Martie said...

We live here, because....ummm, errr,....I forget; is it because we are stupid?

I agree with you about the weather dictating what we will or will not be able to do. But I guess if I wasn't so much of a fraidy cat this wouldn't happen....


Tracy said...

I just hate winter, and one day....I will not live in this state or anywhere near it!!!!