Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Protecting and Serving, Please Pray!

Please say some prayers for Jack. Many of you have never heard me talk about Jack, but I think he needs lots of our prayers. When my Aunt remarried, she added 3 more children to her family. One of them is Jack. He enlisted in the Army and right now he is serving in Bagdad. Pretty scary place if you ask me. I heard on the radio this morning that there were lots of bombs dropped on Bagdad last night. I fear for him and I thought if I posted his name on my blog, maybe that would generate enough prayers to keep him safe. He is doing such a brave thing, protecting our country and our freedom, and trying to help another country obtain their freedom.

Please, Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers so he can be safe during his stay in Bagdad. I know that he would appreciate it!

We miss you Jack and pray for you everyday, may GOD keep you safe.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you girl. If we say a prayer every day for all the soldiers maybe peace will come into our lives soon. These are just young men and women giving their lives for all of us, sometimes it seems so senseless because its not happening in our country, but we need to help those less fortunate then us. thanks for the reminders to pray and be thankful for each other each and every day.

Kat said...

I don't know what "word verification is"??!!??!?!? I hope Jack is and remains safe while he protects our country. My nephew is enlisting next month, he wants to go into the Army - Infintry, very scarey!

Martie said...

My first cousins daughter's husband lost his life over there in 2005....very sad. I will pray for Jack as well as all the others involved in this war.

Nelly said...

I wonder about him everyday and how his dad must feel not knowing from one minute to the next if he is ok. I wish this were over. Damn Bush!

Tracy said...

Thanks guys for checking in! And thanks for the prayers for Jack! He will appreciate them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tracy for the prayers and thoughts for Jack. We heard from him Saturday. His Calvary of 100 was supposed to be leaving on Sunday to man the first outpost in the center of Bagdad. Now he really IS in the middle of it all! He is a little (LOT) scared, especially since it was all over the news. Why did his commander have to volunteer them for this??!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tracy for remembering Jack.
Jan asked me to also correct her entry....It is Cavalry NOT Calvary. Whoops.......!!!