Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Rock

There is a huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy.25 in rural Iowa. For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on this rock, changing its character many times. A few months back, the rock received its latest paint job, and since then it has been left completely undisturbed. It's quite an impressive sight. I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's actually painted on the rock too.

Bring Our Service Men/Women Home! No More War!
We Are Praying For You Jack! May GOD Keep You Safe!


Nelly said...

Very cool! Prayers and safe thoughts to Jack everyday!

Tracy said...

Thanks Nelly!

Martie said...

I've seen this pic before.....and I think it is so cool....praying daily for the men and women overseas fighting to preserve freedom and safety for us....including Jack!


Smalltown RN said...

that is what we call modern day graffiti believe it or not. It's just an embelishment of what the knights would scribe messages in the walls during the times of the crusades. This rock however is a little more pleasing to the eye....thank you for sharing...


Tracy said...

Thanks Everyone for checking in.
I am glad you took a moment to look over the pictures! Martie thanks for including Jack!