Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sorry, It Is A Bitch'n Kind Of Day!

I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about how they built a bunker in Iraq for the training of police soldiers, and they never used it. This is state of the art. I heard the amount that it cost to build this place (yes they built it specially for the police training), but I was half listening to that part so I will not post an amount. Anyway, it is a huge facility and has an inground olympic size pool. WHY do they continue to waste our tax dollars. I can't stand it when I hear that they spend so much money on shit they never use, or never even needed. My husband wants me to be on my cities council, I told him he was crazy, but I really think I could make a difference. The city I live in is spending $154,000.00 on a new play scape for a park that is right next to an elementary school that has a play scape already. Also, this park has a play scape, but because it is 13 years old, they want to replace it. There is nothing wrong with it. No one has ever been seriously hurt on it, and when it was put in it was $40,000.00. How can they pass something like this! It is not needed!!!!! There are hundreds of homes in my city that are in the process of or already have been forclosed on. Why not use that money and do something for your city. I cannot stand the frivelous waste that our local, state, and federal governments get away with. Someone has to take a stand, and I think I am going too. You all will see me being escorted out of our next city council meeting because it is another hot topic. We have an outdoor pool that needs renevating, and they want to tear it out and put in a skateboarding area for the kids. This will cost more than 2 million dollars to do! Everyone that I talk to, wants to keep the pool. I want to keep the pool. So I plan to voice my opinion at this meeting. I just hate everything about our government and I feel if I don't speak up, then I cannot complain when I take it up the ass again. Taxes continue to be raised on us working class people (property), and the city keeps spending our money on things that we do not need. I am going to do something about this!!!


Anonymous said...

you go girl!!!!!! They say one person can made a difference, I have tried you just get the run around, you need money to fight these things such as running for office. Its a shame that some good people could run for office but don't have the funds to run. Our government and state have full control of us.@@@#@#@%#^$&%%*%&^$

Tracy said...

It does suck, but I plan on making our voiced heard! I will speak for the little people....because I am the little people!

Martie said...

GOOD for YOU! I love it when people stand up and speak out for something they feel so strongly about. Let us know what happens at the next you wanna borrow my soapbox? Hugs to you and good luck!!!