Monday, January 08, 2007

Well, not a very exciting weekend. 2007 is not getting off with a bang. Kind of a flop. I like flop. 2006 was a bomb, so I will take flop for 2007.
Gearing up for the auto show down at the conference center in Detroit. I enjoy the auto show, but there are so many people that go, it can be a little crazy. I love viewing the concept cars. I don't know why they produce these concept vehicles and then sometimes never produce them. Actually, most of the time they never produce them. Those are the cars everyone wants. I just don't understand why they don't give us what we want. Thats Life!
Anyway, I hope all of you have a great day (week)! Thanks for reading!


Martie said...

There are so many things I want and SO MANY things I can't afford! But then, I see the homeless on the streets and I feel guilty for being bummed about the things I can't afford......ah, life, eh?

Nelly said...

I on the other hand, don't like the auto show. Too many crowds to oodle over cars. Not my cup o'tea.

Tracy said...

Little Man would like the Auto Show! Thanks for checking in Ladies!