Friday, February 16, 2007

I Wish Summer Was Here!

I am so sick of this cold weather! We are supposed to get about an inch on snow sometime on Saturday and it is going to stay cold for awhile. No wonder people get depressed in the winter. You can't even go outside and let kids play in the snow. It is to damn cold. They will have frostbite in a 1/2 hour!
I have no energy to do anything, and I am not the only one that feels that way! Many of my co-workers have had to deal with sick kids and them being cooped up in the house. This type of weather can make kids (and adults) couch potatos. You get set in your ways and stay cuddled in the warm house and play video games or watch TV, because you can't go outside to play. Then when summer comes, it is hard to break that habit of doing nothing all night. You would rather play your video game then ride your bike, or watch TV instead of going to the park to play. It is a vicious cycle for those of us that live here.
I just want summer to come!
I hope everyone has a great Friday!


Nelly said...

The approximate temp when I go to Florida is 78! sorry (no I'm not) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Martie said...

Nelly, you need to calm down a bit about this Florida trip.....even I'm starting to whine about being left behind....LOL! I hear ya, Tracy about the cold weather and crap we endure here in Michigan and you're right about the lack of activity brought about by the outside temp and carrying over into the spring and summer months....maybe that's why Michigan has so many of us 'full-figured' women!

Nelly said...

Haa haa Martie! Love your comment about "full-figured" woman! SO FUNNY!