Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lack of Sleep & Lent!

Is anyone else "overly" tired today? I had a horrible weekend of NO sleep and I feel like a walking zombie today. Unfortuanately I got only an hour of sleep on Sunday and I was tired yesturday, but today...I did not want to get out of bed. I am really dragging ass. I could fall asleep at my desk at work. It does not help that I am constantly going places and doing things. My husband and I have one car between us and I am the "main" driver. I take myself to work and then I have to pick him up at night (anywhere between 7:00 pm and 11:30 pm) depending on how busy he is. It sucks when I have to pick him up late because I have to be in bed early enough to get up at 5:45 am to go to work the next day. I typicaly get 5 hours of sleep a night, and that is not enough!! I know I need more sleep, but right now, I just can't get it.

I look forward to the weekend. I am not working my second job. I needed a break and this weekend is it. It is my Mom's b-day on Saturday and I think I am going to try to go to church Saturday so I can sleep in on Sunday (much needed). It is hard getting up on Sunday's for church, but it has been easier now that I am working on Sundays. We (hub & I) usually go to the 8:30 mass at a parish close to us and then sometimes a bite to eat before I head off to work. Always on the go. It would be nice to have a day I can just rest all morning long!! If I am given the opportunity, I can sleep in till like 1:00 pm. Now, I have not done that in a very long time, but I cannot wait till Sunday (I will be sleeping in)!

Happy Tuesday, I mean Happy Fat Tuesday!!

P.S. I have to think of something I can do for lent. I don't want to give anything up (there really is nothing that I can give up that will impact me in a "give up" kind of way), I would like to do something nice for someone else. Got any ideas, I am open to suggestions! Remember, right now I have very little time to devote entirely to something. It is so hard when you are working 7 days a week. Maybe I should just give something up?



Nelly said...

I decided to not give anything up either this Lent. This past weekend the priest said that we should get away from "giving things up" and that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. Why give something meaningless up for Lent and then go right back to using it again when Lent is over. What is the point? I'm trying to think of things to do for others this Lent too but I just don't know what.

Tracy said...

I feel your dilema! If I had more time, I would like to help with homeless shelters (soup kitchens), but right now is just not the right time. I have to work or I will be homeless too!!

Anonymous said...

I think you have done enough sacraficing already, you have given your whole life this last 4 months or so entirely to someone else how unselfish is that? Maybe this lent you can ponder on how to better this life you have chosen and to make plans to live it entirely different then its been. it takes two to run a marriage and two to sacrafice to make it work. Start making plans to make it the best it can be and God will do the rest.
Lent isn't about giving up its all about changing the things we need to improve in us and make it a change for a life time not just for 6 weeks

Tracy said...

Thanks for the kind words "sammy" I just feel I need to do something. I know that I have sacrificed a lot and devoted a huge portion of my time to my Hub. Right now he needs my help and support & I will give it to him cause that is what we do for those struggling. My (our) life is getting better. Someone up there is looking out for us. Lent is truly not a time to be selfish. I am thinking I need to be more thoughtful my words (particularly the BAD ones). I use them a little (okay, a lot) loosly. So that is a start.

Lesley said...

I also have decided to not give up anything for Lent. Instead I've been doing more useful things like helping with the dayhomes in the neighbourhood. A lot of these providers lack a supportive husband and children and sometimes need some guidance. I'd love to do more volunteering outside of the home too. I volunteer at my son's school for special needs for after hours events and hubby volunteers during the daytime hours. It's such a good feeling to give back and much more meaningful than giving up chocolate!

Tracy said...

See Leslie has the right idea! That is what I would love to do! I really do love helping other people, the problem is I don't have the time. Once I am not working two jobs (lucky to have two jobs right now), then I will be able to do more for the community. I really want to get more involved in the community in which I live in. I want to be a part of the solutions for the city, not the problem. I think it will be okay to "postpone" my lenten obligations until this summer, when I think things will be looking a lot better for me. Thanks so much for checking in Leslie!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what lent is but if you're gonna do something nice...I been hankerin' for some homemade lasagna.

I'm just sayin'....

It must be in the water cause I'm lazy too. But then, I'm always lazy.