Monday, February 05, 2007

Not A Great Way To Start Off The Week.............

We have NO HEAT! Right after the super bowl last night my husband and I noticed the house was a little cooler than normal. So I checked the thermostat and sure enough the temp in the house dropped, it was 64 degrees. I immediately called my gas company (I have the service plan with them) and scheduled an appointment for Monday (today) between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. My husband, being the handyman he THINKS he is, was upset that I called for the repair. The furnace was blowing cold air and I asked him to turn it off. Well, that was not the right thing to say. I don't know if he thought he could fix it or what. I could hear him in the basement tinkering with the furnace, but still cold air was blowing out. Finally, he accepted defeat and was happy that I called in the repair.
This morning it was 55 degrees in the house. Our poor dog was shivering on the couch and the cat was curled up in the corner of our mudroom, all of us trying to stay warm. Fortunately, I have an electric heater (I don't like to use it, but we would have froze to death without it) and we put that in our room. It was still cold in there, but it was much better than the rest of the house.

I worry about our pipes freezing! My husband and I cannot afford to have these problems right now! And why is it on the coldest day & night of the whole freaking year, we have no flipping heat? I am so sick of all the bad stuff that happens. I cannot take much more. I am fortunate that I was smart enough to get this service plan added to my gas bill, but that doesn't cover my pipes if they burst or leak!

Get this...........I am at work, and we have NO HEAT here either!!! I am destined to be a frozen tart today!

I hope everyone else is staying warm! Thanks for checking in!


Nelly said...

HOLY CRAP WOMAN! No freakin heat?! It is sooooo cold! You're not going to be able to stay in your house if you don't have heat. It is frigid out.

Tracy said...

Yeah, no kidding. They are saying they will be out today to fix it. Who knows when today though. What if they can't fix it??? Yeah, it is freezing in our house and at work!!!

Smalltown RN said...

oh how awful for you.....during all of our storms we lost power many times for days on end.....thank goodness for our wood burning fireplace and our generator. I hope you get our heat back soon....yes it is far to cold not to have heat...and the whole work can that what is going to be your third know what they say....things happend in threes....