Thursday, February 22, 2007

Please Pray For Jack!

Finally, I am able to post the pictures of Jack! It is so scary to see this 18 year old "kid" holding a gun like that! To all these military men/woman, walking around in Baghdad with guns is a MUST! Amazing that we still live in a world with so much violence. Please keep Jack & all military service men/women in your prayers.
They are putting their lives in danger every second of everyday, so please pray too that they can come home soon!

Jack, we love and miss safe & we hope you will come home soon!
We are all thinking about you!
(Click on the comment link just below to leave a comment or to just read them).


Nelly said...

When I first saw that gun/knife weapon, I was like "holy crap!" It is unfortunate that this is reality and going on every single day. His and every other solider's life is in jeopardy every day. This is a sad, sad world we live in. All we can do is what you've done, talk about him, talk about what is going on, and most importantly . . . PRAY!

Tracy said...

Thanks Nelly! I emailed the family to comment on here today! I know Jack as some access to the internet and I hope that he will be able to check this out! I hope everyone come here to at least say hi to him!

Anonymous said...

jack thanks for doing what your doing for us I just wish some of the top sen and rep and cabinet had sons over there like we do, I'm sure if that happened especially any kids of Bush, which won't happen because they are never in the same boat we are in. We need to bring you guys home now!!!!! Please stay safe and out of harms way, hide if you can.
We love you Jack please take care of yourself until we get you home.

Anonymous said...

I got more respect for Jack than I do for most people I even know.

I'm sure he'll come back home with plenty of stories to tell!

Tracy said...

Thanks Sammy & slick for commenting! I know if Jack reads this he will appreciate it!

Smalltown RN said...

Stay safe Jack and God's speed....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tracy for getting the prayers going for Jack and all the troops safety. You said such beautiful things! It touched Greg's heart deeply to see how much you care. Love ya!

Lesley said...

I have a few family members overseas and will definitely add Jack to my prayers.
My dad was in the army for almost 30 years.He has been on Canadian soil for over a year now. Before that he was working as a civilian alongside the Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. I think it makes it more "real" to us when it's people we love that are over there.

Tracy said...

Thanks everyone who posted! I know that Jack would really appreciate it!

Martie said...

You're in my prayers Jack....for your safe return home. May God watch over you while there and may all of us back home truely appreciate the job you were sent there to do!!!

Tracy said...

Thanks Martie! Again, I know he appreciates all the prayers!