Saturday, February 17, 2007

Slow Saturday & Sunday

Another weekend is here, and I am working again. I do have a little break this morning. My "niece" (my best friend, whom I have been friends with for almost 30 years, her daughter) is having a birthday today. We are meeting at Cesaer Land to celebrate. After that I have to go to work. It is soooo nice to do something other than work in the morning.

I am not sure if the girls are scrapping tonight or not? Everyone has such busy schedules, last I heard they had plans for today. I think even if they don't come I will be working on the cook books tonight. I am very far behind schedule on those.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, stay warm, and I will talk to you all again on Monday!


Nelly said...

Don't know yet about scrapping deary. I'll let you know later tater! Have fun at the b-day party!

Tracy said...

You are not going to believe what happened to the party. Laura was having it at Cesear Land by our old house, and when we got there they were closed. OUT OF BUSINESS CLOSED!! There were lots of people standing outside in disbelief, and no one called them and said that they were closing. It was not very nice there today. So we went to a different one, and it was packed because I guess that is where everyone decided to go. It was a crazy kind of morning. Lots of people had reservations and they were not even called to be told they could not have the party there. From what the guy said at the cesear land we were at, they closed on Monday and that was it. They left it up to the other stores to call customers and tell them the bad news about the parties. What a crock of crap!!! People really don't give two shits about anyone else. It is to bad they cannot be sued. Ruin little kids birthday parties. What a bunch of assholes!

Martie said...

That is terrible about Cesear Land! We're having a relatively quiet weekend too, although Drew did come and stay with us for a few hours today. Sunday morning we are going to head out for a ride so we can be back home for the start of the race @ 2PM.


Lesley said...

OMG! I can't believe they just closed their doors without giving the party-goers a second thought. Some people have no scruples!