Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow, Snow & More Snow!

Wow, did we get the snow! The drive in was not fun. It started in my driveway. I had (notice the word had) a huge snow drift in my driveway. I could not figure out how I would get out of the garage. I attempted to shovel it, and that was not working. So I did the next best thing......Drove through it! I flew out of the garage and right through this huge snow drift. I hit it pretty hard, but I kept going back and finally made it through! I made it though that to only get stuck on the side street. I just could not get any traction. Talk about being afraid a car would come. I did okay and finally got out to the main road. I made it to work and was looking for a parking spot. I have a handicap parking pass for my bad knees, and I was so pissed when I got to work.

Do you know these "people" I work with have been emailing us that we don't have enough parking spots to accomodate all the handicap people in our building. They want us to park in other spots until the weather breaks and then they can add more spots. Well these assholes ("people")have been complaining (and let me tell you, there has not been a day that a handicap spot has not been availiable for someone), but would you believe that only a handful of handicap spots were cleared out this morning, and I even got stuck trying to park in one!! How rude are they. They bitch there are not enough spots, yet they don't have the common sense to clear them out!!!! I was so pissed, I replied to the email of parking somewhere else that they can't even keep the ones we have cleared for the poor handicap people. It amazes me how stupid people are. I just cannot get over the fact that they want us to find other places to park. Some people (who have handicap stickers) really do not need to park there (I have seen lots that walk just fine), but today should have been a day that they cleared those spots. You do not want a handicap person falling in the parking lot!! Makes no sense to me!

Sorry, I felt like bitching about this this morning.


Nelly said...

Did you realize that the "snow, snow and more snow" was my title yesterday?! hee hee

Going to work this morning sucked! Wasn't much better going home either!

Tracy said...

No I didn't realize that! Are you bored at home? I do not look forward to the drive home, and especially the drive down my street. I got stuck this morning, I do not want to get stuck again!

Anonymous said...

Hoping you made it home safely from work....and hoping that the snow melts fast and doesn't return any time too soon! We are under another Lake Effect Snow Warning.....UGH!!!!