Thursday, March 01, 2007

Just In Case.............................

I am blogging today just in case Nelly decides to check mine out. The weather is crappy today. It is kind of snowing (big flakes) and raining ice pellets. Not a great morning to have to come to work. The snow is actually sticking to the roads. My sidewalk at home is already covered in snow. However, things are looking up for later this afternoon... Thunderstorms are on the way, and we are supposed to get some pretty heavy down pours. It should be about 40 - 45 degrees, much better than the temps we have had lately. So Nelly if you are reading this today, this is what you are missing. I know you would much rather be here with your kids and working your wonderful job instead of being in Florida with warm weather, sunshine, and lots of fun things to do....................Right?????

Hope you had a safe flight. Don't spend too much money! It is so easy to do when you are having fun! Just becareful! Miss ya already!

Enough about the weather & Nelly, now we have to focus on other things. I am so glad that they changed the daylight savings time. We used to turn our clocks forward one hour in April for daylight savings time, now we are moving forward that one hour on March 10th! I cannot wait to have the days seem longer again! The only problem is, I have to take the Monday after the change off. I cannot adjust to losing that one hour. Last year I was late for work two days in a row (I am NEVER late for work) after the spring time change. This year I was smart and decided it would just be better to take the day off to make up that hour of sleep I lost! I know it sounds silly, but for some reason that one hour really screws me up!

Thats all I've got for now, I hope everyone has a great day!


Martie said...

It is thundering and lightening here right now, Tracy! My dog is afraid of the thunder...that's why I'm up(and have been for since it started at 5 AM)

I was going to email you, but couldn't find an address on your blog so I will answer some things here. My son had no lease....the home was being rented on a monthly basis....they have nothing signed and no money to sue even if they had anything in writing. Target 8 (wood tv) called him yesterday but I don't know what he found out as of yet. Keeping my fingers crossed...thanks for your input!!!

Tracy said...

Thanks Martie! It is snowing like mad here right now. Extremely large snow flakes. From my work I look out onto the highway,and they went from driving normal speed to slowed way down. I cannot see the other side of the e-way that is how big an fast these flakes are flying!
I am sorry you son loses out on this deal! I wish him the best!
P.S. I don't have my email posted, but Nelly can email it to you when she comes back from Florida (if you still want it)!

Nelly said...

Oh, I'm alive and kickin even after no sleep last night. UGH! Sleeping in a hotel bed is not fun and very uncomfortable. Oh well.

It is sunny and almost 70 here...spending the entire day at the POOL with DRINKS! No conference today!

Tracy said...

Hey Nelly Belly! Thanks for checking in today! Glad you made it there okay! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Please, Nelly is probably laying on the beach drankin' and watchin' some guys.

The weather here was 70 something yesterday, does that make anyone feel any better?