Tuesday, February 06, 2007

SmallTown RN Was Right & Happy Birthday Nelly!

Things do happen in three's! We found out yesturday afternoon, that over the weekend the owner of the building turned the heat down and that is why our building was so cold (55 degrees). Well yesterday we got payback!! Around 2:30 yesterday afternoon the fire alarm was going off in the building. We all had to take the stairs and leave the building. It was 5 degrees outside, and we were all pissed off that they would pull a fire drill in this kind of weather. As we approached the 1st floor (I work on the 3rd floor), there was a supervisor directing everyone out the front doors only. As we walked by we saw water just pouring out from the ceiling. The side door, hallway, front offices, and cafeteria were all in about 2 -3 inches of water. Once outside we had to go to our spot and check in with our supervisor. It was cool watching the water pour out from the side doors and freeze as it headed towards the parking lot!
After being out there for 10 minutes, they finally let us go to our cars to keep warm. At about 3:15 they told us all to come back in grab our things from our desks and go home. I don't think they will turn down the heat again!! Serves them right.
So Smalltown RN, you were right...things do happen in three's!

I am at work today. Unfortunately they got it fixed and the blowers are on downstairs. I could have used a day off due to the extreme cold. All the kids are out of school, I want to be home from work!! :)

I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Sista!!!! Nelly is 3__? or is it 2__? Hope you have a great day today! I tried to call you at work, but I am guessing that Little Man does not have school today, so you are home. Love ya, and I will call you later!

Hope everyone is staying warm, and have a great day!

P.S. In case you were wondering, my house has heat now!


Nelly said...

Thanks sissy! Just another day though.

Tracy said...

It is NOT just another day, it is your Birthday! Let me know if you want to go out for a bite to eat, I will buy you a drink (if you are up to it). Maybe Rae and Mom will be up to going too. We can go to Friday's or something.

Martie said...

If I were there, I would go along and help celebrate Nelly's birthday....hugs to all!

Tracy said...

Thanks Martie! Hugs Back At Ya Babe!

Smalltown RN said...

WEll I was hoping your third wasn't going to be so drastic. but hey you got the rest of the afternoon off.! Happy Birthday to Nelly....hippo birdies two yews...hippo birdies two yews....hippo birdies two yews....hippo birdies two yews...and many more!!!