Tuesday, March 20, 2007

There are some really cool bloggers out there!

I was speaking at a table in AA and I said how cool it was that I can say anything I want and they all have to listen to me (at least they look like they are listening). I was talking about how weird the world is and how most people have an answer for everything. You can't just talk to talk, people feel like it is there obligation to save you from your thoughts/words and make suggestions on how to handle your life or a particular situation. Blog world is kind of like an AA meeting. I say whatever I want and you can choose to read it or not. Kind of cool when you think about it. Personally, I love the comments. I think that people should express how they feel and share their thoughts with me on what I am blabbing about.

I am planning on a huge change in my life. I am going on a very strict diet and I will be dropping some weight (I hope). I just want people to know, that I am who I am. Gaining weight, losing weight, no matter what I am the same person and have the same feelings. Sometimes when people change their life (especially in such a positive way), others cannot accept the change for whatever reason. I have been sober (like I mentioned in previous posts) for almost two years, and people still have a hard time asking me to do things with them when alcohol is involved because I don't drink. I say to those people that they must not want to ask us/me out, because anyone who makes excuses for me or for my husband about going out for an evening or even to someone's house has no clue who we really are. I hope I am not treated that way while I am dieting because I cannot eat food like I used too????

We always hope for change in positive directions, but that is not always what we get. I am staying strong and facing my problems head on. Some are resolved, but many are not. I continue to work on them, and they just make me a better person.

I am finding the strength I need in my husband. He has encouraged me, and has convinced me that I can get through this and he is the one person I can always go to when I need to cry or to laugh. We face many problems together and we will continue to work together through the next set of hurdles we come too! I help him , he helps me, we are a team!!

We are ready for life!!!! In some way, I find serenity in that. I am not alone (I find serenity in that too)! I have a lot of support and the important people in my life, those I am in constant contact with, know exactly what I am capable of and that I can achieve anything! Thank you all so much for your support and guidance. This is a scary journey, and I promise to update you on how much weight I am losing and how things are going!

I have to say thanks to my Mom, Laura, & Becca. I was having a tough night tonight (hubby was at work) and they were able to make me see that life is exactly what you make it. No one else can change it for you. Live it to the fullest, love all that you can, and do what makes you happy!

I will probably not post again till Saturday! (I do have a funny picture to post, and if I get a chance I may post it tomorrow or Thurdsay).

Thanks to all of you! Your awsome!!!


Anonymous said...

hang in there girl you are worth it. You can do it!!!! Thanks for the plug.

Nelly said...

This was a wonderful post. I truly believe that you will have a much different outlook on life once you start this diet. Losing weight really makes you feel different in a lot of ways. It has mental and physical impacts on your life. If you lose friends because of weight loss, then maybe they really weren't your friends to begin with.

We will be here for you when you are struggling, we always are. You've had a rough life and deserve this part. It is going to be very hard to adjust to this, for everyone, but you need to do it for yourself first and foremost, your health and your hubby. We love you and don't ever forget it!

What are you doing up so early mom?

Anonymous said...

"Live it to the fullest, love all that you can, and do what makes you happy!"

One hundrend percent correct Tracy!

Your Mom, Laura, and Becca sound like very smart ladies....

Glad you got'em

Martie said...

Tracy, why don't you join in at the BCB site...ask Nelly about it. You might just be what we all need to get us motivated again! Hugs....and this is a lovely post!!!!

Lesley said...

Weight loss is so tough but definitely worth it. Heck, anything that you can do to make yourself feel better is worth it.
Good luck, we'll be rooting for you!

Looking forward to the funny picture post, I don't know where you get them but they are

Tracy said...

Thank you all for the kind words. I believe in myself and know that I can do anything I put my mind too! I will need you ALL for support, so please be patient with me if I post weird stuff (like thats unusual) or if I don't post at all for a time, I promise to keep you updated on my progress!!!!

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing person Tracy! I really admire your strength, creativity and fearless spirit!

You know all of us down here in SC love you and will be cheering for you too! I just wish I could e-mail you without the whole world tuning in ;-{

Kat said...

Best of Luck to ya! Keep us updated on your progress, I'm looking forward to hearing about it.