Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Uncle Paul's Birthday

My Uncle Paul moved here from St Louis this week and today is his birthday. We are celebrating at my Aunt Janet's house. My mom made her famous Chicken and dumplings and they smelt wonderful. They were trying to eat before I got there (you know with the dieting thing), but the smell was worth it. Honestly, I really wasn't hungry to eat them. The smell was enough. I am doing pretty good on this diet. I have passed several fast food places and some of my favorite places to eat and have not stopped. For me, that means I am doing fantastic!

So far, as of today I have lost 12 pounds. I started this diet on Friday, and now with Wednesday approaching I am hoping to lose a few more. I have a Dr visit on Thursday to check me out and be sure that my body is handling the dieting change (I feel like I am doing fine). I am a little tired but if that is the only side effect of this diet, I can definately handle that!!

I am so excited about doing fun things this summer with my hubby and my friends. I really enjoy bike riding and swimming and all those fun things. This is gonna be a good year for me.

Not much else is going on right now. Wish my life was a little more exciting to talk about, but I am sure as summer approaches, there will be lots of cool stories!

Thanks to my blogging buddies for hanging around my page for encouragement. I really appreciate it!! I have a lot of weight to lose, but when it is all said and done....I will be one hot tamale!! :) Thanks guys!


Lesley said...

I'm blown away! 12 pounds in less than a week! YAHOO!!!!
Maybe after I'm done with my girlfriend's wedding I'll give it more serious thought and make a plan...but with a $350 bridesmaid dress that I just paid $110 to have altered and may never wear again - I want it to look like it fits. It may fit the chubby me but at least it will fit!
Kudos to you Tracy! You're an inspiration!

Nelly said...

Wish I could have been there last night for Uncle P's b-day, but Aunt J just lives too far for me to do that on a week night, with having to get the kids showered and in bed at a decent hour. Oh well! What can you do? Now that he is living in MI again, we'll get our fill of Uncle Paul!

Looking forward to summer fun too!

Martie said...

Way.To.Go.Tracy!!! Hey, what kind of diet is this? I need to go on this one...send info. Get my e-mail address from Nelly, k? Thanks

clew said...

Good for you!!! I'm so excited for you! I dont know how old you are, but I'm in my (ahem) late 30's and I'll tell ya, the older you are the SLOWER and HARDER it comes off. So the sooner the better. Just don't lose faith if it slows up - I'm sure you know the closer you get to where you want to be the slower it comes off too! I'm rooting for ya!

Kat said...

Great job with the weight loss, I need to get on the stick myself! Keep us posted!