Monday, April 02, 2007

Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo

Okay, I have been on this diet for 3 days and I have lost 10 pounds! How cool is that! I am excited every morning I step on the scale. I am finding it incredibly hard not to snack. I get so hungry, I have to leave my house to escape from wanting to find something to nibble on. My husband swears there is nothing to eat in our house, but I told him to do my diet and tell me he wouldn't find something bad to eat. Actually, we do keep a lot of veggies in our house and other healthy foods. My problem is I eat way to much. I have lots of support from family and friends, and let me tell ya.....they are life savers! I spent almost the entire day yesturday with my sister Nelly! We had a good time. I got to spend time with my niece and nephew, and I didn't think about cheating on my diet once. Okay, maybe once when she made macaroni and cheese for my niece, and when Nelly put cheese on her salad, and when she put chicken in her salad...Okay, so I thought about it a few times, but she worked through it with me! Thanks Nelly so much! Your the best! You know we need to hang out more often!

Hey, thanks everyone for reading!


Nelly said...

You're doing awesome! Once you lose some more weight, you won't feel like won't want to ruin what you've lost. Keep it up girl! You'll be so much healthier in just a few short weeks. Stay strong!

Tracy said...

Thanks Nelly! I plan too!!!
Love Ya Sista!!!

Anonymous said...

You spent the whole day with Nelly? Good thing I was prayin' for ya :)

10 lbs in 3 days?? Geeez, awesome!

Tracy said...

Thanks Slick! I am on a very aggressive diet. I have a lot to lose and I can't wait till it is gone!

Nelly said...

Slick, you forgot to say, "if that's what you wanna do."

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...

10 lbs in 3 days?? Awesome! If that's what you wanna do that is.


clew said...


Hey Tracy - I haven't been by in a while and wanted to give ya a shout. I like the new look!

What kinda diet are you doing? Did I miss that part?

I have been sick but was going to start my new workouts last night before Incrediboy came down with the pukes :(. I've decided to try belly dancing :D. Nelly laughed in my face when I told her but that's okay because pretty soon I'll have a hot hourglass torso. LOL!

Nelly rocks. Wish y'all could have made it a couple weekends ago! :(