Thursday, January 25, 2007

No More Spanking, Good Alternative:

Most of America 's populace think it improper to spank children, so People have tried other methods to control their kids when they have one of "those moments." One that some find effective is to just take the child for a car ride and talk. They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after the car ride together. This photo shows one example of a session in case you would like to use the technique.


Nelly said...

HA HA! I would NEVER do this brat! I will admit, it is VERY tempting though! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

very funny boy no spanking at all oh boy we are in for some very unruly brats. kids need some discipline threatning never really does much for kids then they test and test you until you just ignore them and thats the worst you can do for a child. Their behavior needs to be addressed strongly and immediately with follow up and consistincy.

Tracy said...

Haven't you already noticed the unruley brats!!! There are lots of them out there. Way more than when I was a kid. Todays society of kids is the "I want" generation and "my mom/dad will buy that for me." What is going to happen to all these spoiled brats when they no longer have Mom/Dad supporting their asses. Credit card debt is so high and I feel the biggest majority is parents giving kids credit cards. They have no concept on money and what "necessity" is. It is a shame and very sad.

Martie said...

This little brats who have everything bought for them and are not held accountable for their actions are going to grow up to be the criminals we will all have to support while they spend their time in a prison not having to work, but getting 3 square meals a day....ooops....okay, sorry, I'm off my soapbox now.