Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Morning

Nothing much going on here for a Thursday. Actually looks like a pretty boring day! I have lots to do at work (we have a meeting today at 12:30 - 1:30). Meeting is probably to tell us that they are giving us more work to do and still no overtime. I wouldn't even be surprised if they wanted to cut our hours to less than 40 a week. They have been so EVIL around here. Always changing things especially at the last minute, they lie to your face, and they would stab you in the back in a heartbeat. To tell you how sneaky they are......

A contingient worker (works for the us, but gets no paid time off or benefits) was working full time before Christmas. About 0ne week before the 28th of December they told her she had to take the permenant part time position or her last day would be the 28th of December. She had been looking for full time, but was put on the spot and had to take the position or be without a job. Well now she has taken another job at a different company. She gave her two weeks (which was nice of her considering they did not give her the same courtesy), then they pulled her in the office and tried to offer her something for her to stay. Now that was very unfair, because when I was part time for over a year and begged to be full time, they would not give me the time of day. I never said I would quit, but if they were willing to give her something, why wouldn't they do that for everyone? So upon hearing that this young lady refused their offer and told us her last day is January 19th, I emailed my boss and reminded her that a friend of mine is very interested in the part time position and she will be available to work with a two week notice. (My boss has already interviewed her for another position and told my friend that as soon as we have an opening, she may be considered). That was hope for my friend, so when I told her that this part time position was opening she was thrilled. I spoke to my boss, and she told me that they were not filling the part time position at this time (she told me that on Wendesday, last week). How come the postition posted inside (inside is only for current employees to apply for it) on Monday of this week????? It is frustrating to work with supervisors that lie to your face. If they didn't like her or want to hire her, why don't they just say it instead of getting my hopes up that she has a chance. You would think that I work with a bunch of losers!

Would you believe we got an email yesturday that someone stole a foot stool out from someones desk. We get emails all the time about peoples lunches being stolen or someone took a bite out of someones sandwich from the fridge. It is so ridiculous that we have to work with people like that. I know I am not the only one that works with people like that, but it really tells you the kind of people that are roaming around in our society.

Okay on boring Thursday I just wanted to vent a little. Thanks for reading!


Nelly said...

OMG! That sandwich bite part was hilarious! We have to put our names on our lunches and stuff too. People are so rude! They will eat stuff out of the fridge they know they didn't bring in! Management sucks too!

Martie said...

There are people out there who actually eat or take someone else's lunch? I knew this happened in elementry schools, but I figured it ended as people matured....guess I was wrong!!! Where on earth do you work girl? I'll avoid seeking employment offense against you, it's your co-workers!!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! A bite!!!! Now I have heard it all. This week must be bitch session for bosses, you then Janelle, then aunt Janet whats up anyway?????? Don't you guys know by now that you are actually only a number and that all employers only care about themselves and the company all employees are only peeons in most jobs, because so many people need jobs and we are all replacable. We may not think so but they have people beating down the doors to get in. So forget about fretting and just do your job the best you can and can the rest. To much stress otherwise been there done that.

Love mom

Nelly said...

Thanks for posting my real name MOM! Nice goin! just kiddin

Anonymous said...

OK see if I blog again. Put everything else out there aha. Ok Iris

Tracy said...

It is just amazing to me that I work with adults that act worse than a 3 year old would.

Martie said...

Hey, I even enjoy the good-natured bickering between Mom and Nelly here......reminds me of someone else I know!