So I know all of you have at least heard about the asshole Mayor Detroit has. Would you believe the thinks he is gonna get away with all the shit he has pulled. I cannot stand that son of a bitch, and I am so sick of seeing his fu**cking, ugly ass mug all over the news! He is a racist, cheating, lying, stealing, coward and I cannot stand him. If there is one person that ignites my blood to boil it is him. He thinks he is all that and then some, and believes that he will be exonerated of all charges brought against his lying, cheating, ass!!!! AHHHH make him go away!!!!!! Okay, I think my flu medication is getting the best of me here, calm down. Please feel free to share your comments with me on this jackass, I mean Kwamie Kilpatrick...hopefully soon to be EX-Mayor of Detroit!!!! For those who don't have a clue on who or what I am talking about, click the link and let me know what you think.............
P.S. To Nelly....Since you have been gone I have gotten more comments on my blog! Last post I had 7 comments! Whoa!!! Thanx and thanks to all who posted! Love you all, (your my peeps now)!! LOL!
Sorry to hear you are sick with the flu. I recovered after about 3 weeks. Hubby has been sick on and off, mostly on since Janurary. Yikes! Hope that will not be the case for you.
As far as the asshole Mayor...Tell us how you really feel. lol
Don't even get me started on Kilpatrick! I just can't hear one more thing about him. Can't stand it!!!!
You better get rid of your germs before Saturday woman! Or you're not invited over! ;)
See, something good did come out of me deleting my've got more peeps! ~ Nelly
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